Monday, April 4, 2011

Worry is Lack of Faith

     I often think about the first time Jesus saw his disciples after his death and resurrection.  Jesus had predicted exactly what had happened including Peter's denial and the abandonment of the other disciples. But the very first words he shares with his friends..."Peace be with you."  He did not want his friends to be troubled or afraid. This scripture gives me so much comfort because it shows that Jesus knows exactly what is in our hearts. He knows our human weakness. He wants us to follow Him and believe in the Peace and Love that he offers.
     Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God. I think that sometimes we don't appreciate the depth of what Jesus is offering.  All of the turmoil, anxiety, and fear that exists in our world today doesn't have to rule us. We can choose to follow Jesus and in so doing receive His peace, and there is such joy in that peace! Why do we allow ourselves to become so anxious, so worried when all we have to do is have faith that our Lord is going to take care of us?
     I don't like feeling worried, anxious, and fearful, but when the world feels like its spinning out of control with budget cuts, wars, and disasters, it's easy to have those feelings. I don't think well or feel well when I'm anxious like that. I'm not as creative, loving, or productive. I try to figure out what I need to do, like there's some sort of magic answer. The truth is that these times are when I'm furthest away from Jesus. I'm not trusting in the peace that He offers. I'm forgetting that He died for me, and that all that really matters is that I follow Him, trust Him, love Him, and let Him love me. If we ask Him, he'll restore the peace within us. It's one of my favorite times at mass~ the "Peace Be With You" rite~ because it's one of the most important things we need to remember.

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