Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gifts of the Spirit

     In today's Gospel Jesus tells us to "seek and you shall find...knock and the door shall be open."  He asks us to think about how much we want to give our own children and tells us how much more our Father wants to give to us. Jesus often compares a parent's love to God's love which helps me understand how much God loves me because I know how much I love my boys.
     When the boys were born, I used to sit and stare at them in amazement at how beautiful they were. I felt so humbled that God had entrusted their care to Dean and I. From the moment of Kyle's birth, I could see how different their personalities are.  I love each of them so completely just exactly the way that they are, and my love for one doesn't have anything at all to do with the other. My love for my boys has helped me to understand how God gives each of us gifts and how he values each unique gift in each unique human. What a waste of time it is for us to compare ourselves or to envy the gifts of another! So what I'll pray for today is to be able to see and appreciate the unique gifts of all the wonderful people the good Lord has placed in my path.


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